My data and code are usually archived by the Open Science Foundation.
See my CV for a complete list of writings.
Recent highlights include:
- Arel-Bundock, Briggs, Doucouliagos, Aviña Mendoza, and Stanley. Forthcoming. Quantitative political science research is greatly underpowered. Journal of Politics
- Arel-Bundock, Pelc. Forthcoming. Buy-in for buyouts: attitudes toward compensation for reforms. Journal of Politics.
- Arel-Bundock, Blais. 2023. Where Should Multinationals Pay Taxes? International Studies Quarterly.
- Arel-Bundock, Greifer, Heiss. 2024. How to interpret statistical models using marginal effects in R and Python. Journal of Statistical Software.
Some older papers I still find useful:
- Arel-Bundock. 2017. The Unintended Consequences of Bilateralism: Treaty Shopping and International Tax Policy. International Organization.
- Arel-Bundock, Pelc. 2019. When Can Multiple Imputation Improve Regression Estimates? Political Analysis.
- Arel-Bundock, Peinhardt, Pond. 2020. Political risk insurance: a new firm-level dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
- Arel-Bundock, Vincent. Forthcoming. Model to Meaning: How to Interpret Statistical Models with
for R and Python. CRC Press. - Arel-Bundock. 2021. Analyse Causale et Méthodes Quantitatives. Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
- Arel-Bundock, Briggs, Doucouliagos, Aviña Mendoza, and Stanley. Forthcoming. Quantitative political science research is greatly underpowered. Journal of Politics
- Arel-Bundock, Pelc. Forthcoming. Buy-in for buyouts: attitudes toward compensation for reforms. Journal of Politics.
- Roland, Arel-Bundock, Crasnic, Römgens. 2025. What do citizens in tax havens think? The EU blacklist and public opinion in Switzerland. Journal of European Integration.
- Arel-Bundock, Greifer, Heiss. 2024. How to interpret statistical models using marginal effects in R and Python. Journal of Statistical Software.
- Arel-Bundock, McCrain. 2024. Software citations in political science. PS: Political Science.
- Arel-Bundock, Lechner. 2024. The power of boilerplate: bilateralism, plurilateralism, and the international tax system. International Interactions.
- Avina, Arel-Bundock, Blais, De la Feria, Harell. 2023. Outgroup bias and the unacceptability of tax fraud. Political Studies Review.
- Arel-Bundock, Blais. 2023. Where Should Multinationals Pay Taxes? International Studies Quarterly.
- St-Georges, Arel-Bundock, Blais, Avina. 2023. Jobs and punishment: public opinion on leniency for white-collar crime. Political Research Quarterly.
- Arel-Bundock. 2022. The double bind of qualitative comparative analysis. Sociological Methods and Research.
- Arel-Bundock. 2022. modelsummary: data and model summaries in R. Journal of Statistical Software.
- Blais, Guntermann, Arel-Bundock, Dassonneville, Laslier, Péloquin-Skulski. 2022. Party preference representation. Party Politics.
- Nadeau, Daoust, Arel-Bundock. 2020. The market, the state, and satisfaction with democracy. West European Politics.
- Arel-Bundock, Peinhardt, Pond. 2020. Political risk insurance: a new firm-level dataset. Journal of Conflict Resolution.
- Sevi, Avina, Peloquin-Skulski, Heisbourg, Vegas, Coulombe, Arel-Bundock, Loewen, Blais. 2020. Logarithmic vs. linear visualizations of COVID-19 cases do not affect citizens’ support for confinement. Canadian Journal of Political Science.
- Arel-Bundock, Pelc. 2019. When Can Multiple Imputation Improve Regression Estimates? Political Analysis.
- Johnson, Arel-Bundock, Portniaguine. 2019. Adding rooms onto a house we love: central banking after the global financial crisis. Public Administration.
- Nadeau, Arel-Bundock, Daoust. 2019. Satisfaction with democracy and the American dream. Journal of Politics.
- Arel-Bundock, Blais, Dassonneville. 2019. Do voters benchmark economic performance? British Journal of Political Science
- Sevi, Arel-Bundock, Blais. 2018. Do women get fewer votes? No. Canadian Journal of Political Science.
- Arel-Bundock, Parinandi. 2018. Conditional tax competition in the American States. Journal of Public Policy.
- Arel-Bundock, Enevoldsen, Yetman. 2018. Countrycode: an R package to convert country names and country codes. The Journal of Open Source Software.
- Arel-Bundock. 2017. The Unintended Consequences of Bilateralism: Treaty Shopping and International Tax Policy. International Organization.
- Arel-Bundock. 2017. The political determinants of foreign direct investment: a firm-level analysis. International Interactions.
- Arel-Bundock, Atkinson, Potter. 2015. The limits of foreign aid diplomacy: how bureaucratic design shapes aid distribution. International Studies Quarterly.
- Clark, Arel-Bundock. 2013. Independent but not indifferent: partisan bias in monetary policy at the Fed. Economics & Politics.
Chapters and Book Reviews
- Heitmüller, Hearson, Arel-Bundock. 2023. Tax treaty norms among lower-income countries and the role of the UN model: past, present and potential. International Center for Tax & Development.
- Arel-Bundock, Worthington. 2020. (Book Review) Merging interests: When domestic firms shape FDI policy. Perspectives on Politics.