- marginaleffects: R package to compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and comparisons (contrasts, risk ratios, odds ratios, etc.) for over 70 classes of statistical models in R. Conduct linear and non-linear hypothesis tests, as well as equivalence tests using the delta method.
- modelsummary: Beautiful, customizable, publication-ready data and model summaries in R.
- tinytable: A small but powerful R package to draw beautiful tables in a variety of formats: HTML, LaTeX, Word, PDF, PNG, Markdown, and Typst. The user interface is minimalist and easy to learn, while giving users access to powerful frameworks to create endlessly customizable tables.
- countrycode: R package to convert country codes and country names.
- softbib: Software Bibliographies for R Projects Automatically detect libraries used in a project and create software bibliographies in ‘PDF’, ‘Word’, ‘Rmarkdown’, and ‘BibTeX’.
- altdoc: A simple and powerful package to create documentation websites for R packages. altdoc makes it trivial to create beautiful websites for simple R packages, and it can efficiently organize documentation for complex projects with hundreds of functions or dozens vignettes.
- WDI: R package to search and download thousands of panel data series from the World Bank's World Development Indicators.
- tinysnapshot: Snapshots for unit tests using the tinytest framework for
. Includes expectations to test base R
and ggplot2
plots as well as console output from print()
- regrets: R package to print facts and pictures of egrets (h/t Jane Sumner)
- violets: Violets are BLUE. OLS is too. An R package which re-estimates fancy statistical models using simple OLS. (h/t Alton BH Worthington)