En français.

Je suis politologue à l’Université de Montréal, où j’enseigne l’économie politique et les méthodes de recherche. Mes travaux portent sur les politiques de taxation internationale et l’investissement direct à l’étranger. J’ai aussi publié sur le vote économique, la politique monétaire, l’aide internationale, et les méthodes de recherche quantitatives.

Go Blue!


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Tous mes articles sont archivés par l’Open Science Foundation avec le code informatique et les données nécessaires pour répliquer les analyses. Les versions finales publiées de mes articles sont presque certainement disponible sur Sci-Hub.

Pour une liste complète de mes publications, veuillez consulter mon curriculum vitae. Ces articles sont liés thématiquement aux trucs sur lesquels je travaille maintenant:


  • marginaleffects: R package to compute and plot predictions, slopes, marginal means, and comparisons (contrasts, risk ratios, odds ratios, etc.) for over 70 classes of statistical models in R. Conduct linear and non-linear hypothesis tests, as well as equivalence tests using the delta method.
  • modelsummary: Beautiful, customizable, publication-ready data and model summaries in R. See Arel-Bundock (2022) in the Journal of Statistical Software.
  • countrycode: R package to convert country codes and country names. See Arel-Bundock, Enevoldsen and Yetman (2018) in the Journal of Open Source Software.
  • WDI: R package to search and download thousands of panel data series from the World Bank's World Development Indicators.
  • regrets: R package to print facts and pictures of egrets (h/t Jane Sumner)
  • violets: Violets are BLUE. OLS is too. An R package which re-estimates fancy statistical models using simple OLS. (h/t Alton BH Worthington)


  • Political Risk Insurance and Finance: This project aims to make available firm-level information about every insurance contract issued, financing project initiated, and insurance claim settled by the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
  • Central Bankers’ speeches: A collection of 14601 speeches given by central bankers between 1997 and 2018. Collected in preparation for the article 'Adding rooms onto a house we love: Central banking after the global financial crisis', with Juliet Johnson and Vlad Portniaguine.
  • Rdatasets: A collection of 1000+ datasets that were originally distributed alongside the statistical software environment R and some of its add-on packages. The goal is to make these data more broadly accessible for teaching and statistical software development. Each dataset is distributed in comma-separated values format, with detailed html documentation.